Thursday, December 15, 2005

"Momma Mia!"

Check this out! My big sister found such a funny site that has all kinds of babies songs with cartoons, but this is the funniest: Enjoy!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A few words from Anna's Mommy ...

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say a few words about my sweet girl!

It has been a joy to be Anna's mommy. Here are a few things about her that you may find interesting ...

*she loves to kick while lying on her back, she seems to kick more with her right leg than left

*she hates it when her hat falls over her eyes, even if her eyes are closed

*her most awake time seems to be from 8-11 p.m. and she is usually wide awake when I go to her at night

*she's got a sprinkling of angel kisses between her eyes, and a stork bite birthmark on the back of her neck

*she seems to like the sound of the electric toothbrush and the vacuum cleaner

*she loves to snuggle in for a nap while lying on my chest

That's all I can think of for now! For the last few days she has been giving me little smiles while awake, so I hope to update on that soon.

Five weeks old already

I am growing fast! Five weeks old already, and my sister likes to sing to me, even at 4:30 am!

My grandma was able to hold me too for a few days, and I did not mind that at all.