Saturday, January 21, 2006

Anna and Anna

My sister has had a doll for a few years, which she has always called "Anna." All the other dolls have changed names, but not this one. I got to meet her the other day, and we compared the amount of hair we both have.

Stay warm!
Keep smiling!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, even though we are already a few weeks underway. Days flow into each other rather quickly, so first I am showing off a picture with my proud Mommy after our Holiday dinner.

Hey, I am starting to read Dutch! It didn't take Papa long to have me pick up a "Nijntje" book. Look for it as "Miffy" in a library near you!

"en ja hoor, op een mooie dag
kwam er een klein konijntje
zij trokken haar een jurkje aan
en noemden haar toen nijntje"