Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I have had a lot of fun in this holiday month. My big sister and I made a gingerbread house, and I wanted to keep playing with it.


I am not sure, but I believe Papa was very happy when the batteries ran out on this singing toy...

We went to a party at the place Mommy and Papa work, and got our faces painted and met a friendly racoon.

This Christmas thing was fun as well. Mommy brought me to the tree and we got to unwrap presents.

All of this was for me!

I am off playing! See you later!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I met Sinterklaas!!

I went to a party on Saturday with lots of other kids. We were all excited because Sinterklaas was going to be there!!

I stayed close to Sasi, she's been to these kinds of parties before.

When I felt a little shy around all those kids I just found a quiet space and observed for a while.

This interesting fellow gave me and Mommy some delicious cookies!

After I'd played for a while and ate a lot of cookies, Sinterklaas arrived!

Sinterklaas had a lot of fascinating things to say. I got as close as I could so I wouldn't miss a word.

Finally I got to spend some time alone with Sinterklaas. I wasn't scared at all!

He had some tips for me about setting out my shoe for him. I listened very carefully.

Sinterklaas told Papa he was coming to our house that same night, so I set out my shoe as he told me to do. I got some new books in my shoe the next day! Dank u Sinterklaas!!