Thursday, March 22, 2007

Play! Play! Play!

Mommy and Papa give me a bath two times a week. That's okay, because I like to play in the water with all my duckies!

I also like to play with this barn and all the animals which go inside. Long ago my big sister used to play with it.

It's hard to put the top blocks on this tower now, but I'm growing every day!

Mommy likes to take pictures of me while I'm sleeping. She says that's mostly because she rarely sees me this still anymore.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Grandma came for a visit!!

A couple weeks ago my Grandma came to visit me! Lots of people were at our house to visit and I was very busy being a social butterfly.

Here I am with Grandma:

I am with my Uncle Charlie and soon-to-be Auntie Sharon in this picture:

These are the only pictures we have from that night, though I spent time with other uncles and aunties too! We hope they'll share their pictures with us someday.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Minnesota Girls Love Snow!!

I Love the Children's Museum!!

I had a great time at the Children's Museum a few weeks ago. Here are some pictures--Mommy and Papa took lots of them!

I enjoyed these colorful flowers.

Papa helped me build a tower with some really big blocks.

Once I got used to the place, I ran from activity to activity.

Papa says he will bring me back to this place again soon!