Monday, December 17, 2007

Still Busy After All This Time

Now that I'm two years old I'm busier than ever!

Here I am with my big girl bed. I like it very much. I used to fall out of it sometimes but not anymore.

There's lot of room in my bed for my babies and me. Here are a few of my babies, I do have more.

I'm starting to help Papa in the kitchen. I like to help him make waffles.

I have my own cupboard space in the kitchen, that's where all my snacks and my dishes are located. I like to pick out my own snacks. You can't see it very well here, but I'm wearing my favorite shirt--the pumpkin shirt!

After Mommy put up our Christmas tree, I jumped in the box! Very cozy with some blankies.

I learn a lot of things from Sasi. Here, she is showing me how to decorate a gingerbread house. I'd much rather eat the candy than put it on the house. So would Sasi!

Sasi also showed me how to leave my boot out for Sinterklaas. We left carrots and water out for the horse, too.

The next morning, the carrots and water were gone and there were presents for us! Yay for Sinterklaas!!