Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm a Minnesota Twins fan!

A few weeks ago I went to a Minnesota Twins game with Mommy. I wore my new Twins shirt and was really excited to go to a game at the new stadium.

I got some new necklaces to wear to the game!

Mommy gave me a ring pop to keep me occupied until the game began--it turned my tongue blue!!

We had the best seats ever!! Auntie Diane and my cousin Austin came to the game, too!

I've stayed at Auntie Diane's house a couple times and like her a lot.

Mommy was so busy taking pictures, I was able to sneak some of her French fries!

I didn't want to pose with Mommy, though. Maybe next game!

Soccer is My Summer Sport

In the summer months, I play soccer through the YMCA. Sometimes Papa is my coach, when he's the coach I call him Coach Edwin instead of Papa.

Papa always says "no hands in soccer!!" but here it's just practice so it's okay.

Instead of a net, we try to kick the ball between two orange cones that look like this.

My soccer shirt is really big on me ... one time I even forgot to wear my shorts and Mommy didn't even notice until I fell down a couple times. Oops!!

Here I am with my teammates, waiting in line for a drill.

Sometimes it gets crowded when we're all trying to dribble our soccer balls at the same time.

Sometimes while I'm waiting in line I like to talk to Noah ... he and I became good buddies during Thursday night soccer.

It's always good idea to take a break before the game begins, a soccer ball usually makes a good seat for me.

In this picture I'm going after the ball ... Mommy says it's okay to try to take the ball away from the other team.

I can get really fired up for soccer and I've improved a lot since I started playing last year!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Camping in Wisconsin

Hi! Sasi, Papa and I went camping again. We go every year, and this was my fourth time! We go hiking in the morning, and this path led to the Willow Falls.

The playground was really fun. Sasi knows exactly how to push me on the tire swing! After all this activity, the lake was nice and cool.

I brought some activity books for our camp site.

One of our traditions: nasi the first night, hot dogs the second one.

See ya soon!