Monday, November 27, 2006

Anna Keeping Busy

I spend a lot of time reading books these days.

Just about any book will do, but I prefer the ones with pictures.

Mommy got me this toy for Christmas. It's really cute and plays music when you press down on the button.

Here, I'll show you!

Mommy and Papa are showing me how to throw my dirty clothes down the laundry chute. I'm not sure where they go but somehow they end up in my drawer clean again.

I've been learning my shapes and colors by playing with this toy.

It's much easier to get the shapes in if you take off the lid!

Papa really wanted to get a picture of me while I was sleeping. This mostly happens at night, I don't care to sleep much during the day.

Friday, November 17, 2006

More about Miss Boo

* she bunches up her blankie to put under her head while she sleeps, like it's a pillow.

* she kisses people and animals in her books. But, if she's leaning in to give you a kiss, beware because she may end up biting you instead!

* she used to be okay with getting her fingernails trimmed, now she hates it!

* some nights she likes to look at books in bed before she falls asleep.

* Anna's favorite toys are the phone, the remote control, the computer keyboard and mouse, Mommy's keys, Mommy's work badge, Mommy's sunglasses, and just about anything in Saskia's room.

* Anna enjoys playing with the water while Papa or Mommy showers.

* Anna's favorite pals are Duckie, Dolly, Cuddles (another duck she got for her birthday) and Froggie.

* Anna plays a little game with Papa while he feeds her, where she bites down on her spoon and won't let Papa get it out of her mouth again.

* Anna will wave and say hi when she passes the picture of Papa and Saskia in the stairway.

* Anna will respond "uh oh" when asked what the busy baby says.

* sometimes Anna will respond "moo" when asked what a cow says.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Anna's One Year Pictures

Here are most of the poses taken on her first birthday. It is her own rocking chair and beloved dolly in the pictures. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Everyday Life

Not every day is a party, there are other things I do to keep busy around the house.

I'm always prepared to answer the phone if it rings.

I'm able to make phones calls, too, if necessary.

Sometimes I like to play with the karaoke machine. I also like to play with the VCR.

To relax I like to read books with Papa.

After reading a few books in bed, I recharge by cuddling with my blankie and getting a good nights' sleep.


Right after we celebrated my birthday it was time to celebrate Halloween! Here are some pictures from Halloween night.

All of us dressed up in our costumes for dinner at our neighbor's house and trick-or-treating. I'm the ladybug in the middle.

Someday I'll have a Dutch costume just like my Mommy's.

Ladybugs love raisins!

I only went trick-or-treating to a few houses with Papa, but next year when I can walk by myself I'll go to many, many more!!