Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hi everybody! I had a dance recital recently and my Mommy took some pictures I thought I'd share with you. I've been taking dance class once a week through my preschool since September, so I've been practicing for a long time.

Here I am in my dance clothes, standing just inside my preschool classroom, Children's House 4. It's fun to wear my dance clothes to school.

This is my outfit for the dance recital. Mommy fixed my hair and I even got to wear makeup!

Grandma was able to come to my dance recital, and of course, Mommy, Papa, and Sasi came to see me dance, too. It was lots of fun but I was a little tired afterward and anxious to change back into my regular clothes.

It was pretty special that my Grandma was at the dance recital, so Mommy wanted to take a picture of us together. I didn't want to have my picture taken.

I really didn't want to have my picture taken with Grandma.

Even though Mommy said please lots of times, I just wished she'd put that camera away. But then she said I could have a treat if I had my picture taken with Grandma.

Guess what my treat was? Chocolate!! Yum! Mommy says she's going to keep candy bars in her purse more often, for times like this.

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