Friday, May 26, 2006

Anna Louise

A day home with Papa ...

Anna is home today with Edwin, I am at work. Marion needed some major dental work done today so no daycare. We've been pretty lucky so far, the week of vacation Marion wants to take she has planned for the time we are in Holland. How nice is that? Also, Anna really hasn't been sick yet, so other than an appointment I made to have various skin issues of hers checked out, Anna has been a healthy girl.

LOL!! Anna woke up at her usual time this morning, which is somewhere between 5:30 and 5:45. I got her out of bed and changed, etc., as usual, but later in the morning Edwin admonished her--"Little girl, you must learn to sleep in when Papa takes the day off!" The likelihood that Anna will follow this suggestion is pretty slim, as we're constantly advising her to take naps and she ignores that advice as well.

I just got a phone call from Edwin--stop the presses!--Anna loves peas! Yes, peas! Yay! Or, at least today she likes peas, we'll see what happens tomorrow. So far, Anna only likes rice cereal, mixed grain cereal and bananas. She initially seemed to like carrots, but not the second time we tried (must have been really hungry that first time?). Applesauce and yogurt were also unsuccessful. So, hopefully we have tripped upon another food we can count on her to eat.

Life has been pretty eventful for Anna lately. Last Friday night the four of us went to "Pippi Longstocking" at the Children's Theater (thanks Gloria!) because a friend of Edwin's was unable to use the tickets. We all got dressed up with Saskia and Anna wearing new dresses to see the show--Anna was quite cozy in Edwin's lap the entire time and seemed to watch parts of it.

Saturday Edwin and I went out to dinner to celebrate our third anniversary. Thanks to Edwin's friend Laura, who took the girls for a few hours that evening, we didn't have to scrounge up a babysitter. It sounds like Anna did great--big sister Saskia was there to help and Laura adores Anna. Who wouldn't do great with all that adoration?

Sunday was Anna's baptism at St. Joan of Arc church in Minneapolis. All of Anna's aunts and uncles and cousins in the metro area attended the baptism and joined us at home for cake and lemonade later that afternoon. It was a beautiful day and a nice time. Anna did pretty well during the actual baptism and then had a brief meltdown on the way to the car afterward. After a short nap on the way home she spent most of the rest of the afternoon entertaining our guests. Funny girl!

In other news, Anna now has her first two bottom teeth. The second followed closely behind the first, but didn't seem to cause as much pain or problems sleeping. I recently picked up new professional pictures we had taken at the beginning of the month, the last of her with a toothless smile.

I may meet up with Anna and Edwin at the Mall of America later this afternoon, hope we can work it out. I've taken Anna to the mall before and she loves it, so much to look at and more adoration from strangers.

Hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

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