Monday, July 17, 2006

The adventures of Little Boo

Hi Everybody! Finally my Mommy has put together a few pictures from our trip to Holland. I had a great time! Here's a recap:

Here I am with Papa after climbing to the top of the Dom, in Utrecht! We took a moment to admire the view of the city.

Here I am with Mommy, once we returned from climbing the Dom. I don't know why she was tired, I felt just fine! She had a Kriek (beer) but wouldn't let me taste it. She said it was because I was too little!

Oh well. So I settled for lots of ice cream instead. Yum! It was delicious!

One day I met a very nice kitty cat ...

and another day I played with big sister in the grass.

Here I am, playing in the sand. I even ate some of it!! Mommy and Papa wouldn't let me eat very much, even though there was plenty of it on the beach!

I had a wonderful time, but it also feels good to be home and I missed Duckie!

All for now! Love,

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