Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another update on Anna

Hi everybody! I think this time I will just write, instead of struggling to post pictures. Let's just say, the way the post looks in the preview screen is not the way it looks on the blog.

Anna is now 8 1/2 months old. She has been crawling for a couple weeks now and exploring all the rooms in the house. We need to do more childproofing! I generally let her play with whatever she wants, as long as it's not dangerous or gross. A couple nights ago she played with a can for about an hour. Last night she played with a rubber band. The other day I let her have the remote control for the VCR, which wasn't hooked up anyway. No big deal. My guess is that she's learned the word "no" at Marion's house--recently she was heading toward an electrical outlet and when I sternly said no to her, she stopped, turned around and looked at me. When I said no again, she moved on to something else. Hope this continues, of course!

Her favorite (real!) toys include the little ball with Winnie the Pooh on it, her little Duckie, and anything that makes a good deal of noise. She also enjoys ripping apart magazines and newspapers, though I try to keep her away from newspapers so she doesn't get covered in ink. Anna loves to hold my sunglasses, keys, and ID badge from work. Those things are an easy distraction when I pick her up in the afternoon.

Right now Anna is teething again. Poor girl! It looks like her upper incisors (I think that's what they're called) have broken through, but I suspect she's getting more teeth on top than those two. She hates when I try to feel around in her mouth, so it's hard to tell what's going on in there. Anna hasn't been as interested in eating, so I've been trying to get her to drink more the last few days so she doesn't get dehydrated. On Sunday for a treat we went to Dairy Queen and I shared my ice cream with her. She must have loved that it was cold.

A few other likes and dislikes ...

the Curious George movie soundtrack
her purple blankie
splashing in the tub
making noise
blowing raspberries
to clap her hands
going for walks in her stroller
reading her pop-up or lift-the-flap books

being still to have her diaper changed
getting her face and hands washed off
being left alone in a room
loud clapping

Well, that's all I can think of for now! Anna is a sweet girl, and strangers still come up to us in public, wanting to kiss and hold her. Sad for them, but the answer is no!

More soon!
Anna's Mommy

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