Monday, October 30, 2006

Today is my birthday!!

I turned one year old on October 30. I had my very first birthday party on October 29. My aunts, uncles and cousins who live in the area came to celebrate with me.

I was a little nervous to see so many people at our house, so I stayed close to Mommy. Here's a picture of us:

I felt more social after having a snack, but I was sure to leave room in my tummy for birthday cake. I loved the birthday cake because it had duckies on the top!!

Sasi showed me how to enjoy the best part of the cake--the frosting!!


Sasi also helped me open my presents. There were toys inside for me!

I liked this present a lot, it's the Amazing Animal Choo Choo and it plays music and makes animal noises!! Sometimes Papa shuts off the sound, though.

Here I am the next day eating leftover birthday cake.

I had a great birthday! Thank you everybody for your cards, presents, and good wishes.

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