Monday, December 17, 2007

Still Busy After All This Time

Now that I'm two years old I'm busier than ever!

Here I am with my big girl bed. I like it very much. I used to fall out of it sometimes but not anymore.

There's lot of room in my bed for my babies and me. Here are a few of my babies, I do have more.

I'm starting to help Papa in the kitchen. I like to help him make waffles.

I have my own cupboard space in the kitchen, that's where all my snacks and my dishes are located. I like to pick out my own snacks. You can't see it very well here, but I'm wearing my favorite shirt--the pumpkin shirt!

After Mommy put up our Christmas tree, I jumped in the box! Very cozy with some blankies.

I learn a lot of things from Sasi. Here, she is showing me how to decorate a gingerbread house. I'd much rather eat the candy than put it on the house. So would Sasi!

Sasi also showed me how to leave my boot out for Sinterklaas. We left carrots and water out for the horse, too.

The next morning, the carrots and water were gone and there were presents for us! Yay for Sinterklaas!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fun in the fall

The fall is so beautiful in Minnesota. No more swimming, but lots of fun things to do. Mommy and Papa took me apple picking the other day. They had pumpkins too!

After all this hard work, it is time to rest.

But not for long!

Why do they have these scary faces on the trees?

It's Halloween! Guess what I dressed up as?

I met a horse while trick 'n treating.

On October 31, I only had to get out of the cart to pick out candy around the neighborhood.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Everybody Says I'm Two Years Old!!

Tuesday was my birthday! Everybody tells me I'm two years old, but if you ask me how old I am I say that I'm four!

Mommy, Sasi, Papa and I all went out for a special dinner. We went to a place that has lots of fishies and even rained inside! I had lots of fun checking out the sights. While we were there I opened up some presents!!

Saskia helped me open my presents. I got some pink slippers! Mommy says I love pink and I love shoes of any kind, so I should like these, too.

Sasi gave me this puppy dog purse. I like it very much.

Oma and Opa sent this book to me. All the words are in Dutch. Papa says I know more Dutch than Mommy, so maybe I'll read it to her sometime!

I even got a new pair of sunglasses for my birthday! Aren't they the best? Papa took lots of pictures of me wearing them!

Finally it was time for cake! Sasi helped me blow out the candles.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could while waiting for a bite of birthday cake!

First Sasi fed me, then when she got tired ...

Mommy took over! It was delicious!!

Here's a picture of us before we left the restaurant. We're all very happy because our tummies are full.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Went To a Wedding Last Weekend!

Mommy, Papa, Sasi and I all went to a wedding last weekend! My Uncle Charlie married my Auntie Sharon. We had a good time, though I wasn't feeling so well. I hardly talked at all because my throat hurt. Anyway, here are some pictures!

Here I am with Mommy and Sasi. We all dressed up really nice so people took pictures of us!

I got a little bored waiting for the wedding to start. Sasi helped me stay busy. Here we are, jumping on blocks outside the church.

Sasi also read some of my favorite books to me.

My cousin, Zachary, and I made sure to check out the big black car in front of the church. Nice!!

That big car was for my Auntie Sharon and Uncle Charlie to ride in! Lucky! Everyone was blowing bubbles until they came out of the church, including Sasi and my cousins Ashley and Claire.

I love bubbles! Someday I'll figure out how to blow bubbles, too!

Mommy said I did a really good job that day, considering I'm not even two years old yet! It was fun to see my cousins again and show everyone what a big girl I am!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Here Are Some New Pictures of Me!

Here I am, playing with Papa outside. Mommy surprised us by taking pictures!

Me and Mommy found some pretty leaves one day. She picked a few and gave them to me!

At first it was tricky, but now I can put on my socks all by myself!!

I love my new Minnie Mouse jams!! I'm going to wear them as much as I can before the weather gets too cold!

I like to sit in my chair when I watch Annie. It's very comfortable and just my size!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Camping with Papa and Sasi

It was a beautiful Labor Day week-end and I went camping for the first time.

Sasi and I really liked Papa's mattress, but were nice enough to give it back to him at night.

I was a big helper at the campground as well. Here I am carrying wood to the fire pit.

Now that was one big fun playground! I am going try this when I am a little older:

Mommy came for a visit. I ran so hard down the hill to greet her that I fell when I got to her.

Swimming, biking, and lots of time to catch up with big sister.

I can't wait to go again next year!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Oma and Opa Came to Visit!!

My Oma and Opa came all the way from Holland to visit me and Sasi!!

One day I got to go mini-golfing with them. I was sure to observe Opa's putting technique.

At first I didn't care for Opa too much, but after a day or two we did lots of things together. Here we are, reading a book!

Did I mention that my cousin Marije came to visit, too? She was very sweet to me.

Oma and Opa brought a new baby for me. So far we call this baby Pippy, though her name may change if we come up with something better. I really have lots of babies now!

Mommy says there are more of these pictures to be posted, too!