Thursday, November 01, 2007

Everybody Says I'm Two Years Old!!

Tuesday was my birthday! Everybody tells me I'm two years old, but if you ask me how old I am I say that I'm four!

Mommy, Sasi, Papa and I all went out for a special dinner. We went to a place that has lots of fishies and even rained inside! I had lots of fun checking out the sights. While we were there I opened up some presents!!

Saskia helped me open my presents. I got some pink slippers! Mommy says I love pink and I love shoes of any kind, so I should like these, too.

Sasi gave me this puppy dog purse. I like it very much.

Oma and Opa sent this book to me. All the words are in Dutch. Papa says I know more Dutch than Mommy, so maybe I'll read it to her sometime!

I even got a new pair of sunglasses for my birthday! Aren't they the best? Papa took lots of pictures of me wearing them!

Finally it was time for cake! Sasi helped me blow out the candles.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could while waiting for a bite of birthday cake!

First Sasi fed me, then when she got tired ...

Mommy took over! It was delicious!!

Here's a picture of us before we left the restaurant. We're all very happy because our tummies are full.

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