Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Went To a Wedding Last Weekend!

Mommy, Papa, Sasi and I all went to a wedding last weekend! My Uncle Charlie married my Auntie Sharon. We had a good time, though I wasn't feeling so well. I hardly talked at all because my throat hurt. Anyway, here are some pictures!

Here I am with Mommy and Sasi. We all dressed up really nice so people took pictures of us!

I got a little bored waiting for the wedding to start. Sasi helped me stay busy. Here we are, jumping on blocks outside the church.

Sasi also read some of my favorite books to me.

My cousin, Zachary, and I made sure to check out the big black car in front of the church. Nice!!

That big car was for my Auntie Sharon and Uncle Charlie to ride in! Lucky! Everyone was blowing bubbles until they came out of the church, including Sasi and my cousins Ashley and Claire.

I love bubbles! Someday I'll figure out how to blow bubbles, too!

Mommy said I did a really good job that day, considering I'm not even two years old yet! It was fun to see my cousins again and show everyone what a big girl I am!!

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